Establishment of the association
Considered as one of the premier institutions of India, it was established in the year 1945. Its main goal is to look after the interests of the Indian Rubber Industry, both machinery and auto tyres. The association has 1200 members and are from all over the country. Its central office is situated in Mumbai with 4 regional offices in Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. It also has a chapter office in Pune. The Associations activities are decided by a Managing committee which comprises Honorary members, elected members and a few co-opted members with regional representation on a prescribed ratio as mentioned in the Articles of Association.
Mission and Vision
AIRIA’s main aim is to promote and protect the interest, growth and development of the rubber industry. It fosters co-operation among individuals and units engaged in the manufacture of rubber goods with a view to advancing and safeguarding the interest of the country. It provides a common forum for members to exchange their views. The association also arranges conferences, exhibitions, trade delegations, factory visits, techno-commercial talks and allied activities. It investigates, collects and circulates information and statistics related to the industry. It represents officially to the government the views of the industry on all matters affecting or likely to affect the industry. It helps to sole difficulties faced in procuring raw materials. The association supports or opposes legislative or other measures which can affect the industry. it takes the responsibility to disseminate information through periodicals, circulars etc.
Members of the association
Members can belong to various categories. They are Ordinary Patron Members, Associate Patron Members, Ordinary members, Associate Members, Technical Members.
The Indian economy has seen rapid growth within the rubber industry and India is now the world’s largest producer and third largest consumer of rubber.