In India, rubber industry is one of the fastest growing industries. There are around 6000 rubber-manufacturing plants, set across the nation. Altogether India produces 35,000 different varieties of rubber. Hard work and labor of rubber manufacturers have made India, one of the largest exporters of rubber products all across the world.
Different products manufactured in India are auto tyres, latex products, carbon black, hoses, cables, wire, fatty acids, reclaim rubber, rayon, belting, tubes, etc. When broadly classified, there are two different types of rubber industries in India, tyre and non- tyre. India holds the top third position among world’s largest rubber producers. Rubber products made in India not only fulfill the domestic needs, but also cater to the needs of foreign market.
Major countries, where rubber is exported from India, include Germany, Italy, France, UAE, USA and UK. It might shock you, but the rubber uses in western countries have reached a saturation level. This is the reason for the concentration of Indian exporters to change from Western to Asian countries. There is no end to what scope Indian rubber industry has today. In past few years, rubber industry had a market growth of 8% and hence opportunities are growing more and more every day.
India has a strong technically powered mass of people that provide extensive manpower to the industries. Being one of the largest producers in the world, India has become an investment place for foreign marketers. It is a largely preferred destination for many companies from across the world.