The year 1945 saw the establishment of the All India Rubber Industries Alliance and it is believed to be the paramount of all industrial associations in the country. Machinery and auto tyres are the two subjects of great interest for the association. Their headquarters are situated in Mumbai with its main regional offices residing in Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi and Mumbai associating around 1200 members all over the country. The Rubber Industry Association’s operations are directed and determined by a committee of distinguished members, selected individuals and a few members having territorial representation as described in the Articles of the Association.
All India Rubber Industries Alliance serves as the pinnacle arch for whole of India functioning the Indian Rubber Corporations. Once in every two year cycle, the Indian Rubber Expo is conducted by this association. This expo showcases the biggest manufacturers, service providers, buyers, suppliers, exporters and rubber industry corporations from all around the globe meeting to enhance their business strengths.
The Insightful Purpose of All India Rubber Industry Association
- Encourage and safeguarding the rubber industry’s benefits, expansion and improvement
- Receiving consents from people and their associated corporations producing rubber, to help protect the significance of the business
- A general forum for members to part perspectives
- Conduct and organise activities such as exhibitions, visits to factories, conferences, trade delegations, etc.
- Conducting analytical experiments and distribute the collected data on the knowledge and numbers about the rubber industry
- As a representative to the Government in sharing of views and issues causing hindrance to the operations.
- Solving issues on raw material procurement
- Oppose and Defend statutory efforts inclined towards the deterioration of the industry
- Help circulate information through circulars and periodicals
Dignified Personnel of the Association
Individuals of Company that is into production of completed products or semi-finished goods made from Synthetic, Reclaim, Natural Rubber is qualified to be an Ordinary Patron Member of the Association
An Enterprise involved in Supplying, raw material, machinery procurement, dealers of equipment related to Rubber industry are qualified to be Associate Patron Members in the Association.
An individual or industry having an established business in the country, processing and dealing with goods made of rubber either completed or partly finished state, a successful supplier of raw material for production or posing as an advisory board to the Rubber Industry qualify to become Ordinary Members and Associate Members to the Association.
The economy of the country has seen a vast and speedy growth in Rubber Industry setting a record benchmark allowing the industry to be proud of being the highest producer and third highest consumer in a Global way.